Page 5 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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               Chairman’s Review

               過去一年充滿挑戰!2019年中開始的                       The past year was full of challenges.  The social unrest that

               社會事件,及2020年初的疫症爆發,社會                     started in mid-2019 and the outbreak of the Coronavirus in early
               各界及市民生活受到前所未有的衝擊。                        2020 have levied unprecedented heavy blows on all sectors of
               本局面對嚴峻的環境,繼續堅守使命,                        the community and on the livelihood of people. In face of the
               發揮創意及專業的精神,推動義工積極                        harsh  environment,  AVS  continues  to  hold  firmly  its  mission
                                                        in the promotion of volunteer service with innovation and
               應對社會需要,合力支援弱勢群體,分享                       professionalism. Volunteers are motivated to take active steps
               愛心與關懷,共度困難時刻。                            to meet the needs of the community, to give support to the

                                                        disadvantaged groups with concerted effort, to share love and
               義務工作在社會艱難時期更顯重要!                         care, so as to get through the difficult times together.
               號召,招募各界義工參與不同部門的抗疫                       The importance of volunteering in society looms up even
               行動。同時開展多項「同心抗疫」義工                        more prominently in times of difficulty. As the novel coronavirus
                                                        raged on, AVS responded to the urgent call of the government
               服務,支援弱勢社群,包括夥拍中西                         to recruit volunteers from all walks of life to participate in the
               醫護、心理輔導員等關懷獨居長者;組織                       anti-epidemic service taken by different departments. At the
               義工探訪防止自殺服務中心的老人;號召                       same time, a number of projects were launched under the
               青年義工進行18區快閃行動,關懷前線                       ‘Fight Coronavirus  Together -  Volunteer Service Campaigns’.
               清潔工友;邀請親子義工繪製心意卡向                        These projects included partnering with practitioners in Western

               弱勢群體表達關懷等等。                              and traditional Chinese medicine, counsellors and others to care
                                                        for the elderly living alone; organizing volunteers to visit the
                                                        elderly arranged by a suicide prevention service centre; calling on
               此外,我們申獲資助推行「同心抗疫」                        youth volunteers to carry out flash caring actions for frontline
               義工關懷行動,採購及募集防疫物資                         cleaning workers in 18 districts; inviting parent-child volunteers
               予非牟利社區團體及義工組織,鼓勵及                        to draw cards to express care to the disadvantaged groups,
               推動其組織義工推行社區服務,協助有                        and so on.

               團體及義工組織的2,000名熱心義工,                      In addition, with the required funding support, we implemented
               服務20,000名弱勢社群。我們特別推出                     the ‘Fight Coronavirus Together Volunteer Care Action’. By this,
              「行義防疫攻略」,為義工提供抗疫服務的                       we raised and purchased anti-virus protective materials for
                                                        allocation to non-profit organizations as well as volunteer groups,
               參考指引;又製作「情緒防疫攻略」,                        to encourage and facilitate them to organize volunteers to
               為公眾提供疫下維持身心靈健康的                          help  people in need. 2,000 volunteers from more than 150
               小貼士;並發展多項網上課程,包括                         non-profit organizations and volunteer groups were mobilized
               教授製作不同抗疫用品,鼓勵義工把                         to help 20,000 disadvantaged.  We produced a special set
               製成品贈予有需要人士,表達關懷。                         of  ‘Anti-virus  Volunteering  Guidelines’  for  volunteers  and
               雖受疫情重創,市民的義務精神卻有增                        another set of ‘Anti-virus Emotional Health Tips’ to provide the

               無減,香港處處散發著溫暖!                            public with information on how to maintain mental  health
                                                        during the pandemic. We also developed a number of online
                                                        courses including the making of different anti-virus articles for
                                                        volunteers to share with people in need to express care. Despite
                                                        being hard hit by the virus outbreak, the spirit of volunteerism
                                                        was sparkling, and the feeling of warmth was hanging
                                                        everywhere in Hong Kong.

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  1
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