Rebuild Sichuan Volunteer Programme - “Time Donation Campaign”

The devastating earthquake in Sichuan on 12 May 2008 caused enormous loss of human lives and damage. This strenuous ordeal certainly needs huge back-up of resources and manpower. For this purpose, AVS in partnership with Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) launched the Rebuild Sichuan Volunteer Programme with a “Time Donation Campaign” as the first wave. The Campaign appealed to citizens, organization and community groups to pledge the contribution of 100 service hours within 5 years to help Sichuan victims. The programme succeeded to recruit about 6,000 volunteers and 40 organizations signed up of whom 48% were professionals. And more than 50 organizations used the platform to solicit volunteers whereas nearly 3,000 volunteers were tapped to provide about 12,000 service hours.

For more information, please refer to Chinese Version.